Saturday, April 12, 2014

Dog Books

There are many reading sources on the market concerning dogs, dog training, dog breeding, dog health, and many other things pertaining to dogs.  We have found some great books that we wholeheartedly endorse. Two of our favorites are both written by a lady who been in the dog training arena for over 40 years~ Debby Kay knows what she's talking about when it comes to scent training!  The Super Sniffer Drill Book is a great book if you want to do any kind of scent work with your dog.  The other, The Super Sniffer Hand Book is geared more towards training medical service dogs.  Both of these books are very reliable and we use them every day in our training.

If you are entering the dog breeding circles there is another book by Debby Kay called The Labrador Breeders Handbook that is a great addition to your bookshelf.   Dog Breeders Professional Secrets is another great book for your breeding program, it is very informational and interesting.

However, not many people are going to need these books for their bookshelf.  Most dog owners are just wanting a well-trained dog that minds its manners and can do a few cool tricks.  So far our favorites are written by the Monks of New Skete. They have written some great books about creating the best home for you and your dog.  They teach many things about training and raising puppies and dogs.  Smellorama! Nose Games for Dogs is also a very fun book to entertain you and your dog.

Enjoy your puppies this spring season!!!!

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